Horizon: Madog

The * indicates a premiere.
Welsh baritone Jeremy Huw Williams and Paramirabo present Horizon: Madog, a concert featuring two chamber operas, by Welsh composer Claire Victoria Roberts and Paul Frehner. The program will also include Claude Vivier's seminal work Paramirabo and Sonatina Op. 98 from Mathias William.
Horizon: Madog takes place in a distant future, when the world’s oceans have flooded coastal regions across the globe, and geomagnetic storms have decimated global communication systems, isolating the scant remaining survivors of societal collapse. Humanity is recovering but is still in a fragile state, and once-great nations are now fractured into island states.
The piece explores the musings of Madog, who believes he is a descendant of the legendary Welsh prince ‘Madoc’ who purportedly reached North America centuries before Columbus. This tri-lingual (French, English and Welsh) Elder has been an instrumental founder of the fictional Île-Mont-qui-Tremble, a vibrant trilingual island community situated somewhere in what was ‘Quebec’. Madog and his now-deceased wife Élodie and their descendants are core founders of this ‘back-to-the-earth’ movement that have found a new Way, a mantra, for living in harmony with the environment.
At the core of their ethos, nothing is created from objects that contribute to further pollution; everything is reused and re-usable. But, Madog’s roughewn “radio” has been transmitting news in Welsh that somewhere east, societies are re-developing. He fears that with the use of build-build-build technology, they will commit the same environmentally destructive errors and desecrate an already fragile-but-healing world. Seeing himself as a Messianic figure, he is making his final preparations before embarking on a solo perilous ocean journey by sailboat to find what remains of his ancestral homeland, and to spread his knowledge of the Way to those he encounters.
Practical information
Concert Hall of the Conservatoire
4750 avenue Henri-Julien
Montreal QC H2T 2C8
In collaboration with