Gordon Monahan
Gordon Monahan's works for piano, loudspeakers, video, kinetic sculpture, and sound installation span various genres from avant-garde concert music to multi media installation and sound art. As a composer and sound artist, he juxtaposes the quantitative and qualitative aspects of natural acoustical phenomena with elements of media technology, environment, architecture, popular culture, and live performance. The renowned composer John Cage once said, "At the piano, Gordon Monahan produces sounds we haven't heard before."
Gordon Monahan is the recipient of a 2013 Governor-General's Award in Visual and Media Arts. He has received commissions from the Vancouver New Music Society; CBC Radio; Dade County Art in Public Places, Miami; The Kitchen, New York; the DAAD Inventionen Festival, Berlin, the Donaueschinger Musiktage, the Sony Center, Berlin and bonn hoeren (Beethoven Foundation), Bonn.
He was artist-in-residence with the D.A.A.D. Kunstlerprogram in Berlin in 1992-93. He lived in Berlin for many years after that and collaborated with his partner Laura Kikauka on numerous cultural projects in the decades following the fall of the Berlin wall.
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